Landscape shape
71 œuvres

Here are the paintings that are a landscape, or impression of a landscape. Also the landscape form of the canvasses are displayed here.

Living in Zeeland
13 œuvres

Walking in nature gives here the so hard needed inspiration to paint and grow personaly. Luctor et emergo. "I struggle and emerge." She started to live freely in Zeeland after breaking free from the marriage. She is grateful for the people here in Sluis and the process she went through. She really came into her own here. Leaving al the loves and almost loves and no loves behind and building her gallery.

8 œuvres

Woman paintings, erotic, but decent

20 œuvres

Paintings that do not fit a group and are abstract in general. Do you recognize not fitting in?

13 œuvres

Landscape 3D work

9 œuvres

She makes intuitive bigger canvases with little paint

3 œuvres

Big canvasses, size 120x150x2 Abstract or landscape like Many different colors and layouts as I please at that moment

Golden brown
10 œuvres

Golden Brown. Hier zijn schilderijen die je kunt combineren tot één groter schilderij. Acryl, gietkunst en met goud

4 œuvres

Various sizes
1 œuvre

sizes 80 x 80 x 4 cow in the dark 60 x 60 x 4 Piggy ? 40 x 60 x 4 Pink ? 60 x 120 x 4 crus on color 60 x 90 x 4 Crus on stripes

46 œuvres

Square paintings, diptiches

100x150 or 100x160 minimalistic art
3 œuvres

Paintings that are minimalistic in picture. Mostly natural colors.

XXL canvas
15 œuvres

really large and expensive canvasses

2 œuvres

grote schilderijen

Créé avec Artmajeur