Sun and moon collide (2022) Vendido

61,4x77,2 in ~ Pintura, Acrílico


Work in earthly tones. Burned sienna, vanDijks brown (typical Dutch). Gold is the new black. Let’s live real life, no dreams anymore. Real life. Lots of white, about honesty. Being honest makes you tap into the world we cannot see. Creating more of what you want. The univers is reflected on earth.

Even the most insignificant caterpillar is capable of growing great.
And at the same time, nothing in a caterpillar gives us the idea that it will be beautiful. Get the most out of your inner self. Lose the cocoon that seems to protect you, but only keeps you small. The butterfly flies.

Interior design is the art and science of enhancing the interior of a building to achieve a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environment for the people using the space. So colorful paintings really add to that feelings. You love looking at luxurious interiors, right? That's because luxe spaces have psychological effects on our brains.

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