The fault in our stars (2023) Sold

100x180 cm ~ Painting, Acrylic, Charcoal


The fault in our stars after the movie. There are many faults to not find each other, but this is about finding each other.

A crow descended on her. It's hard to grow when everyone wants what you have. The crow could not rise with her. From the black flames she rose out of the water like a mermaid and became a golden angel. She touched many lives and let her light shine more and more so that others could also warm themselves. Walking in nature gives here the so hard needed inspiration to paint and grow personaly. Luctor et emergo. "I struggle and emerge." She started to live freely in Zeeland after breaking free from the marriage. She is grateful for the people here in Sluis and the process she went through. She really came into her own here. Leaving al the loves and almost loves and no loves behind and building her gallery.


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